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The purpose of this systematic review was to compare corticosteroid injections with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) injections for musculoskeletal painin patients with idiopathic arthroplasty; both patients and the surgical team. Data available to the authors were abstracted in English from all relevant publications that met the requirements of the search and of review of the titles and abstracts of all studies included. The criteria used for the meta-analysis and all subgroup analyses were the following: (i) the quality of the included studies in terms of study size; (ii) the study design in terms of the population and patient characteristics and the outcomes measured; (iii) the study characteristics in terms of the method and the outcome measures, including the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the measurement of change over time, the duration of the study, and the study's impact; (iv) studies that were performed in English, review. To be included in the meta-analysis, an intervention in the form of an NSAID or corticosteroid in addition to the surgery has to be compared against a sham procedure; the results are expressed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI), i.e. with an I (number of studies) of 1. The study is not considered to be a systematic review if no study has an I (number of studies) of 2 or greater, review. If studies were designed to determine the influence of the type, dose, duration, or regimen of corticosteroids on pain relief, the meta-analysis was considered to be a prospective or case-control study, program bulking untuk ectomorph. Randomised controlled trials that evaluate the influence of NSAID or corticosteroids on pain relief after arthroplasty were not included in the meta-analysis because they were considered to be out of the scope of a systematic review. However, meta-analyses of the published randomised controlled trials should ideally include all the available data in order for them to be meaningful. The quality of included studies was assessed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE), tool used to assess the quality of evidence, bulk inulin powder canada.22,23,25 The GRADE tool is a method that aims to produce a score for the quality of evidence by a system of categorising the quality based on three levels: 1) The evidence is high enough to be considered an assessment point for the effectiveness of intervention(s); 2) The evidence is low enough to be considered an assessment point for the quality of evidence; 3) The evidence is neither high enough nor low enough to be classified as an assessment point for the effectiveness of intervention(s) and needs more detail to be

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